Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Pool is Open!

Well, the inspection with the county was a snap! After worrying about what they might want us to do (when we were building our house, it was an unwritten rule that they never passed you on the first inspection!)we lucked out and got a very nice inspector who looked at the pool, asked if we had a removable ladder, noted that the pool was 4' high, and promptly gave us his blessing (signed the permit).

So Pattie and I added the salt, turned on the pump, and this morning I started the chlorinator. Krista and Lorenzo were anxiously waiting all day for the pool to be ready, and it finally was, just as Dustin got home.
Lorenzo, Krista, and Dustin enjoying their first swim!

What's down there?

Hi Grandma! Krista being friendly and Dustin acting cool!

Dustin swimming like a fish.

Krista's imitation of an airplane or is it a bi-plane? That's the one that goes on water, right?


  1. Nice! But where's the blue New Mexico sky?

  2. Well, it was more like NY today! But sunny in the morning. Of course by the time the kids could swim, the clouds rolled in, and we even got a few sprinkles.

  3. Looks like fun, when will we see you in the pool?

